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UAPS Diploma Regulations
- Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System

The rules and formal requirements for the preparation of the diploma thesis, the conditions and organization of the diploma examination as well as the control of the diploma thesis in the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System at Wyższa Szkoła Kształcenia Zawodowego are set out in the Regulations of the diploma process.

jednolity system antyplagiatowy

What is the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System?

The amendment to the Act on Higher Education introduced the obligation to check diploma theses in the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System (UAPS).


Therefore, from January 1, 2019, the anti-plagiarism system will be changed from the company used so far to the UAPS system, owned by the minister responsible for higher education.


The Uniform Anti-plagiarism System is the only anti-plagiarism system on the market that has full access to a constantly updated database of written diploma theses, i.e. ORPPD, and the data entered together with the research work are supported by the POL-on system. The system also uses the full database of the Polish Internet NEKST, not through the search engine.


UAPS is also a free and common system for all universities in the country, thus guaranteeing uniform research methods that operate on a homogeneous set of reference data. One of the advantages of the system is to provide all institutions conducting studies with the same standards of anti-plagiarism research.

Using the system ensures the standardization of the anti-plagiarism test in relation to the same reference databases and according to the same algorithms, which at the same time ensures equal treatment of all students.


In the current system, works were checked against the home university's work database and against the work database of universities that signed an agreement on the exchange of databases. Now, each written diploma dissertation will be checked against the works placed in the National Repository of Written Diploma Theses (ORPPD). At present, the repository contains over 2.7 million diploma theses from all Polish universities.

Text analysis

UAPS text analysis  presents the following results:


  • Special characters or characters from outside the working language  - characters considered as special and those not in the alphabet of the working language are highlighted in the text of the work.

  • Unrecognized words - the system will recognize and select words from outside the working language, which, however, in the case of works containing words from foreign languages, will not arouse suspicions.

  • Fragments of a different style - thanks to the use of stylometry, the system will return information about the number of fragments that represent a different style of writing the work.

  • The length of words in the work being studied - with the help of the bar you can define the length range of the highlighted words in the work. The border "≥ 20" indicates words of 20 or more characters.

Percentage Size of Similarities (PRP)

Overall Score

  • Coefficient 1 -% of found phrases containing 40 or more words in the phrase;

  • Coefficient 2 -% of found phrases containing 20 or more words in the phrase;

  • Factor 3 -% of phrases containing 10 or more words in the phrase;

  • Ratio 4 -% of phrases containing 5 or more words in the phrase.

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